Why you shouldn’t wait for getting back to the office to adopt a 2025-proof UC calling solution

Jun 22, 2020 | News

The effects of COVID-19 have shown us all the struggles and challenges of working from home. While we may all be desperate to return to the office and see our colleagues again, remote working is here to stay, and it’s already a significant consideration for businesses in their future planning.

But it’s not all down to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many businesses were already looking to adopt Unified Communication platforms to refresh their calling technologies before the ISDN ‘Switch-off’ in 2025, or because they know that there are significant benefits to biting that bullet now and making the transition sooner rather than later.

With all of this in mind, should you really be considering a move to a unified comms solution and what benefit can it bring to your business?

UC helps you recover quicker

Given the current struggles of businesses in supporting their remote teams, flexibility is vital. UC features like mobile-routing, central file storage and instant messaging empower staff to collaborate more closely and efficiently with their teams by leveraging these new modes of communication. All of this results in an increase in productivity, which alongside putting best operational practices in place will mean that your business is positioned to ‘hit the ground running’ as teams return to the office.

Early adopters are sometimes seen as risk-takers for adopting new technology before all the teething problems are resolved. The good news is that Unified Communication systems, like Vaioni Clear Voice, have been available, tried, tested and approved for years already. There’s already a high level of reliability in most solutions and, with the prevalence of technology across all areas of life, your staff will undoubtedly acclimatise to any new applications or methods of communication quickly.

UC increases efficiency

Other than added features, another major catalyst for businesses to transition to a UC platform are the cost and efficiency-savings produced. With no expensive line rental or international call-costs, as well as the flexibility to scale lines up and down as the business requires, operations could save up to 50% on their current phone bills!

What’s more, by sourcing all the connectivity a business needs from one supplier, you get all the benefits that come from having “one throat to choke”. Operations can expect higher levels of resiliency, reliability and performance; billing is more straightforward with less fluctuation in cost, and you’ll generally get speedier responses and resolutions to technical issues. In all, UC ensures a smoother operational experience that enables teams to spend more time on their priorities and less on fighting their technology.

UC will help you become future-proof

As you’ll be aware (we mentioned it earlier), the ISDN network that we all know better as ‘landlines’ is planned for deactivation in 2025. An all-IP solution will be required by then if businesses want to maintain their telephone number beginning 01, 02 or 08. This means that between now and the switch-off deadline, the queue of organisations looking for new UC solutions is only going to grow, leading to an increase in the length of time it takes to provision. Finding a solution now could mean considerably less delay, compared to waiting a couple of years to see what changes (if anything). In short, you don’t want to be among the late adopters rushing to get a solution in place immediately before the 2025 deadline.

The final word

By unifying the various methods in which your business communicates into one all-encompassing service, you can save money, increase productivity and be better suited to handle the economic bounce-back from COVID-19, while also future-proofing yourselves for 2025.

Vaioni has already prepared hundreds of businesses for the ISDN ‘Switch off’ in 2025, and is fully operational in supporting organisations in their economic recovery. There’s no better place to discuss your business’ needs and find an extraordinary solution that will work smoothly for years to come. Get in touch with our team on 0161 672 9900 to find out today how we can help you.